Factory FAQ
what can i do for you?
- Does the kean silicone company have a regional agent?
- Does the kean silicone accept a sole agency?
- What is the surface treatment of the product?
- how Kean Silicone control the quality ?
- What CAD software files can you receive and work from? (proE...etc).
- Is the factory part of a group and if so what do the other factories manufacture?
- How to make an order?
- what kean silicone payment methods you accept.
- Do you have after-sale serives ?
- What QC standards does the factory operate too?
- Which countries do you currently export your products into?
- Have you had any Factory Audits by European brand and can we see copies?
- When was the factory started and how many people does it employ.
- Do you have your own tooling department or is that done by another factory?
- Does the factory have a domestic license for supplying china as well as the export licence?